News from Trenton
Curated Articles Including
Environmental Policy
Labor/Business Economic Issues
NJ SEED Legislative Activity
NJ SEED Regulatory Activity
NJ SEED Editorial Commentary
Direct Messaging to NJ Policy Leaders
The NFT is truly a powerful public policy instrument as it is received by all members of the NJ Legislature, the New Jersey Congressional Delegation and key members of the Administration, keeping NJ SEED issues, messaging and calls for action at the forefront of their work and in their email inbox. Members are always welcome to contribute.
Each week NJ SEED publishes the News From Trenton (NFT), an e-newsletter customized for NJ SEED members and New Jersey’s Policy leaders. This professionally and specially curated digital compendium provides readers with a weekly snap shot of all things economic and environmental from regular news sources and statehouse and Washington activity. NFT articles keep the NJ SEED website and social media topical and cutting edge for NJ policy leaders and advocates.
Also included in the NFT is a complete update on legislation monitored by NJ SEED and key legislative Committees considering NJ SEED issues. And don’t forget to check it out for upcoming NJ SEED action and meetings.