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Jersey Shore Erosion ‘Hot Spots’ May Get Federal Scrutiny

August 20, 2024 |

Credit: Photo by Dynamic Graphics Group on

Federal experts may soon be required to examine the effects of rapid coastal erosion in New Jersey and then provide recommendations about how to limit it. 

Lawmakers included language that directs the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to study “hot spot” erosion — the loss of sediment from a concentrated location more swiftly than the surrounding area — in legislation the House passed in July

That bill is one of the few remaining pieces of legislation likely to become law before the new Congress begins in January.

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NJ SEED: Irrespective of the causes of sea level rise along the NJ coast, the rise is real – some 18 inches in the past 100 years. Ecological and economic losses will continue to grow. Studying a problem may well be useful as it adds to knowledge, but the problem is sufficiently understood now to be addressing it. Fighting shore erosion due to rising sea levels and more intense coastal storms is a losing war but battles can be fought to forestall nature’s ultimate victory.

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